Day 1 - Jun 5
Day 2 - Jun 6
Detail view


Check-in & Breakfast


Host Intro



Eriol Fox




Satoru Murakoshi

(Ubie, Inc.)


Coffee Break


Choose a Nerd Track





Nick DiLallo




Miki Ishijima

(Money Forward, Inc.)



Networking Session

(Meet and connect with new designers)



11:30 13:00

The Pathway to Regenerative Business

Nico Leonard & Rebekah Cheng



Lunch Break


Choose a Nerd Track





Hajime Hirono

(Digital Agency, Government of Japan)



Tomoko Miyake




Rebecca Radparvar, Lauren Fox, Sandy Nguyen




14:30 16:00

Small Talk: Artificial Presence, Real Connections

Sydney Nguyen & Brittany Roberts

(Slow Tech Studio)


Coffee Break



Adilice Sanches




Anton Sokolov

(1/2 8 | JetBrains)


See You Tomorrow

9:00 - 9:30

Check-in & Breakfast

9:30 - 10:00

Host Intro

10:00 - 10:30

Eriol Fox

Senior Designer, UX Researcher and OSS Product Manager


Designing for Security and Privacy: Design Lessons from Human Rights and Civic Technology

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Designing for Security and Privacy: Design Lessons from Human Rights and Civic Technology

When we think about how to design for privacy, security and known and unknown human rights, we start with a security and privacy focus to our human centered design, using methods and processes that think about what malicious people or governments could do with data, information and access to devices. Eriol will talk about how Superbloom works with highly secure design research practices, how we design for journalists, human rights activists and civil society and how all designers can use methods to make their design more private, secure and resilient against malicious attacks.


10:30 - 11:00

Satoru Murakoshi

Product Designer

Ubie, Inc.

Designing the Future of Healthcare - Using Patient Narratives in Product Design

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Designing the Future of Healthcare - Using Patient Narratives in Product Design

Ubie, inc. is a Japanese health tech start-up with the mission to “To develop a healthcare guide for everyone”. In this presentation, you will be introduced to Ubie's “patient-centric design approach” for designing healthcare platforms we offer based on the facts that are “social healthcare issues” and “patients’ narratives”.


11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 - 13:00

Choose a Nerd Track



11:30 - 12:00

Nick DiLallo

Writer, Creative Director


Design a better world with better writing

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Design a better world with better writing

Good design needs good writing. In this talk, I'll explore the way language shapes the way we think—and act—as we go through our lives. How do we choose words that reflect the world we want to live in? How can clear writing make the world fairer, more honest, and more inclusive? Expect to learn about: • Defining a vocabulary for your brand and product • How language shapes understanding and interactions • Choosing the right words that reflect your point of view • The role of language in accessible interfaces


12:00 - 12:30

Miki Ishijima

Design Program Manager

Money Forward, Inc.

Love your members

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Love your members

Let's love your team members and become an organization that performs well. While design retains industrial aspects with mass and quick production, it also strongly maintains the characteristics of craftsmanship. On the other hand, in software development, the proliferation of design processes systematizes various things. In this context, what remains of the often excluded subjectivity, and how can coexistence be achieved by preserving it? Also, what kind of subjectivity should we leave behind as a team to function within the organization? I believe it is love and empathy. Let's explore together what we can do to create teams that achieve high performance regardless of the relationships across business entities based on my experiences.


12:30 - 13:00

Networking Session

Meet and connect with new designers

Love your members

Let's love your team members and become an organization that performs well. While design retains industrial aspects with mass and quick production, it also strongly maintains the characteristics of craftsmanship. On the other hand, in software development, the proliferation of design processes systematizes various things. In this context, what remains of the often excluded subjectivity, and how can coexistence be achieved by preserving it? Also, what kind of subjectivity should we leave behind as a team to function within the organization? I believe it is love and empathy. Let's explore together what we can do to create teams that achieve high performance regardless of the relationships across business entities based on my experiences.






Nico Leonard & Rebekah Cheng

Strategic Design Director, Senior Strategic Designer


The Pathway to Regenerative Business

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The Pathway to Regenerative Business

In this workshop session you’ll explore emerging ideas around regenerative business – building new practices, future-ready organizations, and notions of community. You'll get insights and data from Fabric's research, then together you will be designing ways to address these systemic challenges.


13:00 - 14:30

Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:00

Choose a Nerd Track



14:30 - 15:00

Hajime Hirono


Digital Agency, Government of Japan

How to spark the service design process in rigorous ministries

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How to spark the service design process in rigorous ministries

Hajime works as a designer at Digital Agency, Government of Japan and supports the National Tax Agency's digital transformation project. Being assigned as a sole designer among the typically stringent and rigorous atmosphere of the national tax professionals, he will share how he introduced the service design process and motivated them to engage with it proactively.


15:00 - 15:30

Tomoko Miyake

Product Manager


Was UX Design Just a Passing Trend?

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Was UX Design Just a Passing Trend?

Has the trend of UX design and user-centered design ended? Most of us have been taught to listen to the user’s voice at some point while learning design. Yet, on a day-to-day basis, the voices of users that you thought were important may not be reflected, or designers may be asked just to make the product look cool, which can sometimes be frustrating. What kind of UX design are we actually engaged in, and what is it that really matters? What is the goal in our career through UX design? Let’s explore together what’s next in design and how we should engage it.


15:30 - 16:00

Rebecca Radparvar, Lauren Fox and Sandy Nguyen

Staff Design Strategist | Senior Product Designer | Interaction Designer


Navigating Design Success

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Navigating Design Success

Exploring the challenges and opportunities in implementing our organization’s first, cross-disciplinary, design strategy-led initiative. For the past eight years, our developer data platform, Atlas, has developed into an extremely feature-rich platform.We were tasked with running our organization’s first design- and design strategy-led initiative. Our presentation exploresthe challenges and opportunities that emerged from working in a new collaborative style and partnership between our organization’s core design disciplines (Design Strategy, Product Design, and Design Systems) for the first time to deliver strategic and tactical design deliverables. Our goal was to create a composable, sustainable information architectureand navigation design. We will dive into our process and takeaways, particularly how these learnings can be applied to future design- and design strategy-driven projects. We will uncover the complications our team faced and share strategies for overcoming obstacles to ensure continuous, forward movement while balancing the needs of the initiative, organization, and contributors supporting the work. By highlighting the emergent, organizational struggles that illuminate design’s unique opportunity for driving impact, we will demonstrate how to not only take a seat at the table, but how to earn the seat at the head when design is uniquely positioned to drive product strategy and delivery.






Sydney Nguyen & Brittany Roberts

Founders, Design Technologists

Slow Tech Studio

Small Talk: Artificial Presence, Real Connections

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Small Talk: Artificial Presence, Real Connections

Let’s face it, small talk sucks. What if… new AI technology could help us develop the skills to change that? This workshop expands to Tokyo, Japan to explore generative AI from a slow tech perspective with global public engagement, especially since business velocity is a prevalent challenge in tech innovation. You'll find out how to incorporate emotional literacy and community-centered design activities into their GenAI projects as a means of influencing impact on society.


16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 - 17:00

Adilice Sanches

Staff Product Researcher


Design by default - how societies are created by intentional and unintentional designers

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Design by default - how societies are created by intentional and unintentional designers

When we think about designing a society, we can easily associate that responsibility with the roles of designers, architects, engineers, urban planners or other 'design professionals' - let’s call them intentional designers. But, looking through history, we can see that societies are more complex and organic than expected. As a result, they can be defined by both intentional and unintentional design. Non-designers have always played a key role in inspiring intentional design, shaping how intentional design has been adopted or even mainstreamed. Today, technology increasingly democratizes design and empowers non-designers to use tools such as AI to design. But what will be the consequences of that? How will society look in the future if every CEO can create their own product? Or what will happen if every Product Manager can code their own App? In this talk, we'll examine some examples of how designers and non-designers made significant decisions that impacted modern society and how design professionals can engage with the masses to bridge the gap between intentional and unintentional design.


17:00 - 17:30

Anton Sokolov

CG Artist | Design Lead

1/2 8 | JetBrains

Crafted Art Projects: Exploring the Purpose of Artistic Expression in the Age of AI

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Crafted Art Projects: Exploring the Purpose of Artistic Expression in the Age of AI

In today's ever-changing world, AI brings both opportunities and challenges for visual artists. In this talk, we'll delve into the heart of our craft. Through my own art project,, I'll share how creativity drives me and how it can impact us all. We'll start by understanding the essence of my project and then peek behind the scenes to see how it's made. I'll also discuss how this project has personally influenced me, without making grand claims. My aim isn't just to share my journey, but to spark that same creative spark in each of you. Let's explore how creativity can thrive alongside AI and shape our artistic futures together.


17:30 - 17:45

See You Tomorrow

Detail view
Detail view


Breakfast & Check-in


Welcome Back



Leecy Li

(Google Workspace)



Yumiko Tanaka

(KOEL Design Studio by NTT Communications)


Coffee Break


Choose a Nerd Track





Wendy Fong




Aya Sano

(Graffer, Inc.)



Networking Session

(Meet and connect with new designers)



11:30 13:00

Acquire Model Design Skills through Sharing What You Love

Akitsugu Tsuchiya & Ryo Sampei

(Flying Penguins)


Lunch Break


Choose a Nerd Track





Lindsay Tingstrom

(Volvo Cars)



Katsutaro Eimaeda




James Reichelt

(Smartbox Assistive Technology)



14:30 16:00

Crafting Compelling Content in the Digital

Jasper Wu



Coffee Break



Mario Sakata

(Gaudiy, Inc.)



Tiziana Alocci




9:00 - 9:45

Breakfast & Check-in

9:45 - 10:00

Welcome Back

10:00 - 10:30

Leecy Li

UX Designer

Google Workspace

How Design Bridges Worlds: My In-betweenness Story

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How Design Bridges Worlds: My In-betweenness Story

The takeaways from the talk: - Inspiration of how empathic design can shape the world in a better way - How design can be baked into personal growth - How different cultures can reconcile and make wonders in designing products for anyone long for chasing their dreams, - Hear example of doing what you love can take you to an incredible place (my before vs. after)


10:30 - 11:00

Yumiko Tanaka

Head of Experience Design

KOEL Design Studio by NTT Communications

Vision Design: Collecting Signs of the Future

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Vision Design: Collecting Signs of the Future

Design Studio KOEL conducts a series of foresight projects called ‘Vision Design’. They apply the design research process to project images of what society looks like in the future, imagine future people’s needs, and draft some solutions for social implementation. These projects demonstrate new ways of using the design process to look into the future. It helps us to think of long-term social change, and it will be one of the important roles of design.


11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 - 13:00

Choose a Nerd Track



11:30 - 12:00

Wendy Fong

Senior Design Researcher


Human Centered Design: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

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Human Centered Design: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

In the realm of design, the assumption of leadership in human-centered expertise, strategies and toolkits often falls on the designer. However, wielding this perceived power doesn’t always lead to success! It’s essential to understand that each community is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Join me as we explore the complexities of engaging with diverse communities and learn from the humble missteps commonly encountered in this journey. We’ll delve into the insights gained, confront the challenges encountered, and glean valuable lessons learned along the way. Together, we’ll learn actionable strategies for truly inclusive community engagement and leave with concrete steps to create positive change in your own projects.


12:00 - 12:30

Aya Sano

Digital Product Designer

Graffer, Inc.

Designing process to support working Japanese citizens

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Designing process to support working Japanese citizens

Recognizing the societal importance of “working” as a source of fulfillment for citizens living in Japan, Aya is currently involved in designing platforms for government agencies and aim to contribute to Japanese society from a private sector perspective. Through this experience, as both a citizen and a designer, she will share the aspirations she has embedded in the design of platforms for government agencies.


12:30 - 13:00

Networking Session

Meet and connect with new designers

Designing process to support working Japanese citizens

Recognizing the societal importance of “working” as a source of fulfillment for citizens living in Japan, Aya is currently involved in designing platforms for government agencies and aim to contribute to Japanese society from a private sector perspective. Through this experience, as both a citizen and a designer, she will share the aspirations she has embedded in the design of platforms for government agencies.






Akitsugu Tsuchiya & Ryo Sampei


Flying Penguins

Acquire Model Design Skills through Sharing What You Love

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Acquire Model Design Skills through Sharing What You Love

In this workshop, you’ll learn modeling techniques essential for designing services and businesses through the experience of ‘modeling something you love and sharing it with others.’ Your subject matter for this activity can be anything you’re passionate about, whether it’s a video game, board game, anime, or TV series. The key is to be able to enthusiastically and concisely explain ‘what makes it interesting.’


13:00 - 14:30

Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:00

Choose a Nerd Track



14:30 - 15:00

Lindsay Tingstrom

UX Design Manager

Volvo Cars

UX at 108 KM/H

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UX at 108 KM/H

As UX designers, many of us work to create digital experiences to delight and satisfy users in the very familiar touchpoints of moble and web. But what happens when you shift the paradigm and replicate that screen-based scenario in a car? How do you enable safe and satisfying experiences for drivers and paasengers, while mitigating the inherent risks that come with driving? In this session, I’ll share a bit about the process and craft we use in the Car UX team at Volvo to deliver delightful (and safe) UX, inside our vehicles. We’ll look at the principles that guide our design decisions, and explore how principles might also help guide your design work.


15:00 - 15:30

Katsutaro Eimaeda

CCO / Design Strategist


Perspective of Systemic design

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Perspective of Systemic design

We often face conflicts involving a multitude of stakeholders, where interests are deeply intertwined. Resolving these conflicts is not straightforward. In such situations, it’s crucial to understand the relationships between various social, technological, and economic elements related to the issue, and to perceive these relationships as a whole system. In Systemic Design, it is important to consider how we approach and design these relationships from various perspectives. We hope to share and convey this way of thinking, assisting you in implementing it in your practices.


15:30 - 16:00

James Reichelt

UI/UX Design Lead

Smartbox Assistive Technology

Designing technology that gives disabled people a voice

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Designing technology that gives disabled people a voice

As designers and developers, we are challenged every day to create products that solve problems and make lives easier. However every choice you make can result in situations where you lock individuals out of services, apps, and most importantly, their voice. At Smartbox we design tools that meets some of the most critical needs of people who cannot speak, we give disabled people a voice to advocate for themselves. By providing something so fundamental to our society, we are designing for independence, inclusion and safety. What will people take away from this talk: - A greater understanding of disability, complex access needs, and technology - User testing with complex disabilities - Considerations for making a design process more inclusive - How design choices should begin with accessibility - Building safety nets to prevent users becoming stuck






Jasper Wu



Crafting Compelling Content in the Digital - Explore the Fusion of Craftsmanship and Snackable Delights

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Crafting Compelling Content in the Digital - Explore the Fusion of Craftsmanship and Snackable Delights

In this workshop, you will learn about Japan’s craftsmanship and the gap between the modern digital world. Discover how to infuse your content creation with the spirit of craftsmanship, creating captivating experiences that resonate with today’s fast-paced digital world.


16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 - 17:00

Mario Sakata

UX Designer

Gaudiy, Inc.

Designing Oshi-based Community to Bring Sustainable Society

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Designing Oshi-based Community to Bring Sustainable Society

In this talk, Mario will explain how “Oshi” and communities work together to solve various social issues that Japanese society is facing. He will also introduce how Gaudiy is operating communities collaborating with Japanese major IPs and hope that participants will take home tips on how to design a community that transcends boundaries and borders, involves society, and moves society itself.


17:00 - 17:30

Tiziana Alocci

Data artist & information designer


Beyond Numbers: Looking at the Past to Transform the Future

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Beyond Numbers: Looking at the Past to Transform the Future

Imagine a world where sound is not only heard, but also ‘seen’. With this concept in mind, the talk explores innovative frontiers in the convergence of data and new technologies, creating a new dimension in design. Data visualization, spatial interactions, and immersive art are challenging the boundaries of traditional design. By incorporating algorithms and organic design principles, you’ll gain insights into the evolving role of the designer and artist, how it has changed, and how much it will change in the era of AI. Embracing both new and old technologies and tools, such as field recordings, real-time data, and algorithms, this talk highlights the importance of understanding upcoming trends and the synergy between the old and the new.


17:30 - 17:45


Detail view
Day 1 - Jun 5
Day 2 - Jun 6
Day 1 - Jun 5
Day 2 - Jun 6
Detail view


Check-in & Breakfast


Host Intro



Eriol Fox




Satoru Murakoshi

(Ubie, Inc.)


Coffee Break


Choose a Nerd Track





Nick DiLallo




Miki Ishijima

(Money Forward, Inc.)



Networking Session

(Meet and connect with new designers)



11:30 13:00

The Pathway to Regenerative Business

Nico Leonard & Rebekah Cheng



Lunch Break


Choose a Nerd Track





Hajime Hirono

(Digital Agency, Government of Japan)



Tomoko Miyake




Rebecca Radparvar, Lauren Fox, Sandy Nguyen




14:30 16:00

Small Talk: Artificial Presence, Real Connections

Sydney Nguyen & Brittany Roberts

(Slow Tech Studio)


Coffee Break



Adilice Sanches




Anton Sokolov

(1/2 8 | JetBrains)


See You Tomorrow

9:00 - 9:30

Check-in & Breakfast

9:30 - 10:00

Host Intro

10:00 - 10:30

Eriol Fox

Senior Designer, UX Researcher and OSS Product Manager


Designing for Security and Privacy: Design Lessons from Human Rights and Civic Technology

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Designing for Security and Privacy: Design Lessons from Human Rights and Civic Technology

When we think about how to design for privacy, security and known and unknown human rights, we start with a security and privacy focus to our human centered design, using methods and processes that think about what malicious people or governments could do with data, information and access to devices. Eriol will talk about how Superbloom works with highly secure design research practices, how we design for journalists, human rights activists and civil society and how all designers can use methods to make their design more private, secure and resilient against malicious attacks.


10:30 - 11:00

Satoru Murakoshi

Product Designer

Ubie, Inc.

Designing the Future of Healthcare - Using Patient Narratives in Product Design

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Designing the Future of Healthcare - Using Patient Narratives in Product Design

Ubie, inc. is a Japanese health tech start-up with the mission to “To develop a healthcare guide for everyone”. In this presentation, you will be introduced to Ubie's “patient-centric design approach” for designing healthcare platforms we offer based on the facts that are “social healthcare issues” and “patients’ narratives”.


11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 - 13:00

Choose a Nerd Track



11:30 - 12:00

Nick DiLallo

Writer, Creative Director


Design a better world with better writing

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Design a better world with better writing

Good design needs good writing. In this talk, I'll explore the way language shapes the way we think—and act—as we go through our lives. How do we choose words that reflect the world we want to live in? How can clear writing make the world fairer, more honest, and more inclusive? Expect to learn about: • Defining a vocabulary for your brand and product • How language shapes understanding and interactions • Choosing the right words that reflect your point of view • The role of language in accessible interfaces


12:00 - 12:30

Miki Ishijima

Design Program Manager

Money Forward, Inc.

Love your members

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Love your members

Let's love your team members and become an organization that performs well. While design retains industrial aspects with mass and quick production, it also strongly maintains the characteristics of craftsmanship. On the other hand, in software development, the proliferation of design processes systematizes various things. In this context, what remains of the often excluded subjectivity, and how can coexistence be achieved by preserving it? Also, what kind of subjectivity should we leave behind as a team to function within the organization? I believe it is love and empathy. Let's explore together what we can do to create teams that achieve high performance regardless of the relationships across business entities based on my experiences.


12:30 - 13:00

Networking Session

Meet and connect with new designers

Love your members

Let's love your team members and become an organization that performs well. While design retains industrial aspects with mass and quick production, it also strongly maintains the characteristics of craftsmanship. On the other hand, in software development, the proliferation of design processes systematizes various things. In this context, what remains of the often excluded subjectivity, and how can coexistence be achieved by preserving it? Also, what kind of subjectivity should we leave behind as a team to function within the organization? I believe it is love and empathy. Let's explore together what we can do to create teams that achieve high performance regardless of the relationships across business entities based on my experiences.






Nico Leonard & Rebekah Cheng

Strategic Design Director, Senior Strategic Designer


The Pathway to Regenerative Business

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The Pathway to Regenerative Business

In this workshop session you’ll explore emerging ideas around regenerative business – building new practices, future-ready organizations, and notions of community. You'll get insights and data from Fabric's research, then together you will be designing ways to address these systemic challenges.


13:00 - 14:30

Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:00

Choose a Nerd Track



14:30 - 15:00

Hajime Hirono


Digital Agency, Government of Japan

How to spark the service design process in rigorous ministries

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How to spark the service design process in rigorous ministries

Hajime works as a designer at Digital Agency, Government of Japan and supports the National Tax Agency's digital transformation project. Being assigned as a sole designer among the typically stringent and rigorous atmosphere of the national tax professionals, he will share how he introduced the service design process and motivated them to engage with it proactively.


15:00 - 15:30

Tomoko Miyake

Product Manager


Was UX Design Just a Passing Trend?

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Was UX Design Just a Passing Trend?

Has the trend of UX design and user-centered design ended? Most of us have been taught to listen to the user’s voice at some point while learning design. Yet, on a day-to-day basis, the voices of users that you thought were important may not be reflected, or designers may be asked just to make the product look cool, which can sometimes be frustrating. What kind of UX design are we actually engaged in, and what is it that really matters? What is the goal in our career through UX design? Let’s explore together what’s next in design and how we should engage it.


15:30 - 16:00

Rebecca Radparvar, Lauren Fox and Sandy Nguyen

Staff Design Strategist | Senior Product Designer | Interaction Designer


Navigating Design Success

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Navigating Design Success

Exploring the challenges and opportunities in implementing our organization’s first, cross-disciplinary, design strategy-led initiative. For the past eight years, our developer data platform, Atlas, has developed into an extremely feature-rich platform.We were tasked with running our organization’s first design- and design strategy-led initiative. Our presentation exploresthe challenges and opportunities that emerged from working in a new collaborative style and partnership between our organization’s core design disciplines (Design Strategy, Product Design, and Design Systems) for the first time to deliver strategic and tactical design deliverables. Our goal was to create a composable, sustainable information architectureand navigation design. We will dive into our process and takeaways, particularly how these learnings can be applied to future design- and design strategy-driven projects. We will uncover the complications our team faced and share strategies for overcoming obstacles to ensure continuous, forward movement while balancing the needs of the initiative, organization, and contributors supporting the work. By highlighting the emergent, organizational struggles that illuminate design’s unique opportunity for driving impact, we will demonstrate how to not only take a seat at the table, but how to earn the seat at the head when design is uniquely positioned to drive product strategy and delivery.






Sydney Nguyen & Brittany Roberts

Founders, Design Technologists

Slow Tech Studio

Small Talk: Artificial Presence, Real Connections

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Small Talk: Artificial Presence, Real Connections

Let’s face it, small talk sucks. What if… new AI technology could help us develop the skills to change that? This workshop expands to Tokyo, Japan to explore generative AI from a slow tech perspective with global public engagement, especially since business velocity is a prevalent challenge in tech innovation. You'll find out how to incorporate emotional literacy and community-centered design activities into their GenAI projects as a means of influencing impact on society.


16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 - 17:00

Adilice Sanches

Staff Product Researcher


Design by default - how societies are created by intentional and unintentional designers

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Design by default - how societies are created by intentional and unintentional designers

When we think about designing a society, we can easily associate that responsibility with the roles of designers, architects, engineers, urban planners or other 'design professionals' - let’s call them intentional designers. But, looking through history, we can see that societies are more complex and organic than expected. As a result, they can be defined by both intentional and unintentional design. Non-designers have always played a key role in inspiring intentional design, shaping how intentional design has been adopted or even mainstreamed. Today, technology increasingly democratizes design and empowers non-designers to use tools such as AI to design. But what will be the consequences of that? How will society look in the future if every CEO can create their own product? Or what will happen if every Product Manager can code their own App? In this talk, we'll examine some examples of how designers and non-designers made significant decisions that impacted modern society and how design professionals can engage with the masses to bridge the gap between intentional and unintentional design.


17:00 - 17:30

Anton Sokolov

CG Artist | Design Lead

1/2 8 | JetBrains

Crafted Art Projects: Exploring the Purpose of Artistic Expression in the Age of AI

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Crafted Art Projects: Exploring the Purpose of Artistic Expression in the Age of AI

In today's ever-changing world, AI brings both opportunities and challenges for visual artists. In this talk, we'll delve into the heart of our craft. Through my own art project,, I'll share how creativity drives me and how it can impact us all. We'll start by understanding the essence of my project and then peek behind the scenes to see how it's made. I'll also discuss how this project has personally influenced me, without making grand claims. My aim isn't just to share my journey, but to spark that same creative spark in each of you. Let's explore how creativity can thrive alongside AI and shape our artistic futures together.


17:30 - 17:45

See You Tomorrow

Detail view
Detail view


Breakfast & Check-in


Welcome Back



Leecy Li

(Google Workspace)



Yumiko Tanaka

(KOEL Design Studio by NTT Communications)


Coffee Break


Choose a Nerd Track





Wendy Fong




Aya Sano

(Graffer, Inc.)



Networking Session

(Meet and connect with new designers)



11:30 13:00

Acquire Model Design Skills through Sharing What You Love

Akitsugu Tsuchiya & Ryo Sampei

(Flying Penguins)


Lunch Break


Choose a Nerd Track





Lindsay Tingstrom

(Volvo Cars)



Katsutaro Eimaeda




James Reichelt

(Smartbox Assistive Technology)



14:30 16:00

Crafting Compelling Content in the Digital

Jasper Wu



Coffee Break



Mario Sakata

(Gaudiy, Inc.)



Tiziana Alocci




9:00 - 9:45

Breakfast & Check-in

9:45 - 10:00

Welcome Back

10:00 - 10:30

Leecy Li

UX Designer

Google Workspace

How Design Bridges Worlds: My In-betweenness Story

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How Design Bridges Worlds: My In-betweenness Story

The takeaways from the talk: - Inspiration of how empathic design can shape the world in a better way - How design can be baked into personal growth - How different cultures can reconcile and make wonders in designing products for anyone long for chasing their dreams, - Hear example of doing what you love can take you to an incredible place (my before vs. after)


10:30 - 11:00

Yumiko Tanaka

Head of Experience Design

KOEL Design Studio by NTT Communications

Vision Design: Collecting Signs of the Future

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Vision Design: Collecting Signs of the Future

Design Studio KOEL conducts a series of foresight projects called ‘Vision Design’. They apply the design research process to project images of what society looks like in the future, imagine future people’s needs, and draft some solutions for social implementation. These projects demonstrate new ways of using the design process to look into the future. It helps us to think of long-term social change, and it will be one of the important roles of design.


11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 - 13:00

Choose a Nerd Track



11:30 - 12:00

Wendy Fong

Senior Design Researcher


Human Centered Design: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

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Human Centered Design: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

In the realm of design, the assumption of leadership in human-centered expertise, strategies and toolkits often falls on the designer. However, wielding this perceived power doesn’t always lead to success! It’s essential to understand that each community is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Join me as we explore the complexities of engaging with diverse communities and learn from the humble missteps commonly encountered in this journey. We’ll delve into the insights gained, confront the challenges encountered, and glean valuable lessons learned along the way. Together, we’ll learn actionable strategies for truly inclusive community engagement and leave with concrete steps to create positive change in your own projects.


12:00 - 12:30

Aya Sano

Digital Product Designer

Graffer, Inc.

Designing process to support working Japanese citizens

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Designing process to support working Japanese citizens

Recognizing the societal importance of “working” as a source of fulfillment for citizens living in Japan, Aya is currently involved in designing platforms for government agencies and aim to contribute to Japanese society from a private sector perspective. Through this experience, as both a citizen and a designer, she will share the aspirations she has embedded in the design of platforms for government agencies.


12:30 - 13:00

Networking Session

Meet and connect with new designers

Designing process to support working Japanese citizens

Recognizing the societal importance of “working” as a source of fulfillment for citizens living in Japan, Aya is currently involved in designing platforms for government agencies and aim to contribute to Japanese society from a private sector perspective. Through this experience, as both a citizen and a designer, she will share the aspirations she has embedded in the design of platforms for government agencies.






Akitsugu Tsuchiya & Ryo Sampei


Flying Penguins

Acquire Model Design Skills through Sharing What You Love

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Acquire Model Design Skills through Sharing What You Love

In this workshop, you’ll learn modeling techniques essential for designing services and businesses through the experience of ‘modeling something you love and sharing it with others.’ Your subject matter for this activity can be anything you’re passionate about, whether it’s a video game, board game, anime, or TV series. The key is to be able to enthusiastically and concisely explain ‘what makes it interesting.’


13:00 - 14:30

Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:00

Choose a Nerd Track



14:30 - 15:00

Lindsay Tingstrom

UX Design Manager

Volvo Cars

UX at 108 KM/H

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UX at 108 KM/H

As UX designers, many of us work to create digital experiences to delight and satisfy users in the very familiar touchpoints of moble and web. But what happens when you shift the paradigm and replicate that screen-based scenario in a car? How do you enable safe and satisfying experiences for drivers and paasengers, while mitigating the inherent risks that come with driving? In this session, I’ll share a bit about the process and craft we use in the Car UX team at Volvo to deliver delightful (and safe) UX, inside our vehicles. We’ll look at the principles that guide our design decisions, and explore how principles might also help guide your design work.


15:00 - 15:30

Katsutaro Eimaeda

CCO / Design Strategist


Perspective of Systemic design

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Perspective of Systemic design

We often face conflicts involving a multitude of stakeholders, where interests are deeply intertwined. Resolving these conflicts is not straightforward. In such situations, it’s crucial to understand the relationships between various social, technological, and economic elements related to the issue, and to perceive these relationships as a whole system. In Systemic Design, it is important to consider how we approach and design these relationships from various perspectives. We hope to share and convey this way of thinking, assisting you in implementing it in your practices.


15:30 - 16:00

James Reichelt

UI/UX Design Lead

Smartbox Assistive Technology

Designing technology that gives disabled people a voice

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Designing technology that gives disabled people a voice

As designers and developers, we are challenged every day to create products that solve problems and make lives easier. However every choice you make can result in situations where you lock individuals out of services, apps, and most importantly, their voice. At Smartbox we design tools that meets some of the most critical needs of people who cannot speak, we give disabled people a voice to advocate for themselves. By providing something so fundamental to our society, we are designing for independence, inclusion and safety. What will people take away from this talk: - A greater understanding of disability, complex access needs, and technology - User testing with complex disabilities - Considerations for making a design process more inclusive - How design choices should begin with accessibility - Building safety nets to prevent users becoming stuck






Jasper Wu



Crafting Compelling Content in the Digital - Explore the Fusion of Craftsmanship and Snackable Delights

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Crafting Compelling Content in the Digital - Explore the Fusion of Craftsmanship and Snackable Delights

In this workshop, you will learn about Japan’s craftsmanship and the gap between the modern digital world. Discover how to infuse your content creation with the spirit of craftsmanship, creating captivating experiences that resonate with today’s fast-paced digital world.


16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 - 17:00

Mario Sakata

UX Designer

Gaudiy, Inc.

Designing Oshi-based Community to Bring Sustainable Society

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Designing Oshi-based Community to Bring Sustainable Society

In this talk, Mario will explain how “Oshi” and communities work together to solve various social issues that Japanese society is facing. He will also introduce how Gaudiy is operating communities collaborating with Japanese major IPs and hope that participants will take home tips on how to design a community that transcends boundaries and borders, involves society, and moves society itself.


17:00 - 17:30

Tiziana Alocci

Data artist & information designer


Beyond Numbers: Looking at the Past to Transform the Future

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Beyond Numbers: Looking at the Past to Transform the Future

Imagine a world where sound is not only heard, but also ‘seen’. With this concept in mind, the talk explores innovative frontiers in the convergence of data and new technologies, creating a new dimension in design. Data visualization, spatial interactions, and immersive art are challenging the boundaries of traditional design. By incorporating algorithms and organic design principles, you’ll gain insights into the evolving role of the designer and artist, how it has changed, and how much it will change in the era of AI. Embracing both new and old technologies and tools, such as field recordings, real-time data, and algorithms, this talk highlights the importance of understanding upcoming trends and the synergy between the old and the new.


17:30 - 17:45


Detail view
Day 1 - Jun 5
Day 2 - Jun 6


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