Mario Sakata

UX Designer

Gaudiy, Inc.

Designing Oshi-based Community to Bring Sustainable Society

Everyone belongs to some kind of community. It is said that about one in three people in Japan has a “Oshi”. Research has shown that by having a “Oshi”, people experience positive changes such as having a richer life; being able to work harder at work; and being able to connect with people who share the same “Oshi”.
In this talk, I will explain how “Oshi” and communities work together to solve various social issues that Japanese society is facing. I would also like to introduce how Gaudiy is operating communities collaborating with Japanese major IPs and hope that participants will take home tips on how to design a community that transcends boundaries and borders, involves society, and moves society itself.

About Mario

Mario Sakata started his professional path as a UI Designer. His passion for making an impact from user-centricity leads him to the world of user experience. After becoming part of Pivotal Labs headquartered in San Francisco, he supported digital transformation of various enterprise following the principles of Lean Startup, UCD, and XP Agile Software Development. Now he sees the huge potential of Web3 to empower Japanese entertainment IPs to build the Fan Nations, an economic bloc where everyone can spend their lives with love and enthusiasm beyond national borders. Overly addicted on anime.


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